API testing is software testing that focuses on checking the "application programming interface," or API. Check out the article.
Meet Blazor. Blazor is a hot topic among the .NET community. Based on WebAssembly, it allows you to build web applications without JavaScript.
Data Room is a tool for sharing key company information that investors or potential business partners need. Read the article on Investor Data Room - analyzing…
Artificial intelligence, including algorithms based on deep neural networks, have become increasingly popular recently. Image generators or complex text-processing…
Looker Studio commonly referred to as Google Reports is Google's browser-based answer to business analytics. Formerly, its full name was Google Data Studio.…
Sages sp. z o.o. has received funding from NCRD for a project that could radically change the reality of people with disabilities. The amount of the grant…
A great deal has already been said about the mistakes of managers. My perspective is that of a trainer who meets leaders, managers, executives at very…
Sages was awarded a spot on the Forbes Diamonds list. This is a title awarded to the most dynamically developing Polish companies.
There is no doubt that Docker is the most popular tool for working with containers. In fact, it has become a standard and almost synonymous with containers.…
From this article you will learn how much money has been allocated to the national training fund, how to apply for funding and when the best time to apply…
For when will it be and why so late? This is the question IT people know all too well. How do you find the answer? From this article, you will learn about…
We would like to invite you to Pytech Summit 2022 (online) Winter Edition - the largest Polish conference, dedicated to Python. This year the conference…