Sages with the Forbes Diamond for the fastest growing companies

Zespół Sages
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6 lutego 2023

Sages was awarded a place on the Forbes Diamonds list. This is a title awarded to the most dynamically developing Polish companies.

This is not our first diamond year. For years, we have been conducting individual and dedicated trainings for companies in the field of programming. Check what references our clients (including leaders in their industries) give us in the [About Us] tab (


This is the 15th edition of the ranking prepared by the editors of Forbes magazine, together with Dun & Bradstreet. The aim of the ranking is primarily to identify the most dynamically developing Polish companies in individual regions, which have achieved the highest average annual increase in value.

Companies were valued on the basis of official data from 2017-2021, which includes, among others: the level of sales, net profit, inventories, value of fixed assets, receivables, as well as investment expenditures.

In 2021, diamond companies generated sales revenues of PLN 424 billion, with profits of approximately PLN 41.8 billion.

Mazowieckie is the leader of Polish transformations and the fastest growing region of Poland. More than 19 percent are registered here. domestic enterprises and every year there are new ones. In 2021, nearly 70.8 thousand entrepreneurs registered their business here. There are also the largest number of diamond companies here, they constitute 20.73 percent. from the list. Mazowieckie is a diamond basin. The largest number of them is in Warsaw - 1584, and as many as 2450 in the region.

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