Save time and money with the state-of-the-art technology

Order tailor-made chatbot created by Data Science experts or implement chatGPT on your website

Automatically answers questions from customers and employees

How can tailor-made chatbots benefit your company?

Our experts will create a special bot that, based on data from selected sources (customer contracts, PDFs, customer service interaction records, etc.) will handle various internal and/or external processes in your company. For example, chatbot will guide candidates through the recruitment process, provide KAMs with information on customer action statuses, plan and optimize marketing activities, and much more.

Example of our chatbots:

Kilka ładnie zapakowanych produktów

Chatbot will present an offer

How can chatGPT benefit your company?

We will integrate chatGPT with the content on your website. The latest technology on which chatGPT is built will ensure smooth communication with your customers. We will properly configure the chatbot to provide information only from your website (not from unverified or competitive sources) in a way that is exclusively positive for your business.

Chatbot applications

24/7 real-time customer and employee support. Our chatbot automatically maintains various operations and understands the conversation context. Communicates in Polish, English or in another selected language. Ensuring excellent communication.

By using Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning, it is able to maintain a coherent conversation and provide adequate answers. We made sure the software is easy to implement and use, even for users with lower technical prowess.

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Sales and marketing

Be always available to your customers. Find out what is most interesting to them and offer the best suited product recommendations. Get valuable data and make analytics and optimization easier.

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Administration, accounting and HR

Streamline the processes of recruitment, onboarding and communication in your company. Make reporting and administration easier. Save employees' time and cut expenses. Chatbot in Polish, English or in another selected language.

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Customer service, logistics and supply chain

Solve your customers' problems immediately. Measure their level of satisfaction. Increase the scale of your company operations. Chatbot in Polish, English or in another selected language.

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Chatbot tailored to the needs of universities and created by experts who have been providing solutions for academic institutions for years. The chatbot automates a significant part of administrative tasks and make communication with the university easier for candidates, students and employees.


Good investment


Business experience quicker complaint resolution when using chatbots¹


Expected global savings from chatbot usage¹


Expected in retail sales by using chatbots¹


79% of customers believe that being able to message a business helps them feel more confident about the brand¹

Integrates with your website and tools

How chatbots work?

Our customized chatbot communicates effectively and naturally with users. It doesn’t require specific keywords and understands the question by learning from real-life conversations.

The chatbot can be embedded into your website, operate as a mobile app, function in an external system or messenger - it's up to you. Depending on your needs - we deliver the system with the source code for you to maintain and transform it, or we license a ready solution and manage the system for you.

Integrates with popular platforms

A chatbot based on the best technology

We apply the latest achievements of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Big Data and Natural Language Processing in our work. We combine theory with practice by creating and implementing innovative technologies. Listen to what outstanding specialists, creators of our IT solutions (including AI-based chatbots), have to say about the technologies used in chatbots now and in the past.

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Chatbot created by Data Science experts

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Chatbots: a beneficial innovation for your company

Effective business management consists of numerous elements: implementing effective (and, above all, sensible) processes, taking care of the smooth flow of information and proper optimization of costs. Business software can help, in all these aspects, for example, facilitating automation of company processes, marketing, or sales and warehouse management software. Business IT systems are much broader than just typical solutions like cloud packages, as they also support business innovation.



Chatbot advantages for your company

Chatbots are an increasingly popular solution. . Their primary advantage is **24/7 real-time customer and employee support **. A chatbot for customer service makes life easier for both parties. If we call a medical facility to make an appointment, a chatbot built with the latest technology will, without involving any employee, sign us up for the specialist of our choice on the desired date. Such automation of customer service allows the company to save employee time (lower costs) and reduce waiting time in the caller's queue. 

A sales bot not only automates online sales, but also supports marketing activities. Chatbots based on Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning can use a recommendation system in a conversation. Based on messages and photos sent by the customer, the bot is able to suggest armchairs matching the interior design. The right amount of learning data for an AI-based chatbot allows it to automatically pick up similarities and patterns, instead of relying on specific keywords. A chatbot in banking allows you to quickly and securely make a transfer, check your account balance or currency conversion. Chatbots are indispensable for data collection or direct contact with users to solicit feedback, and for more introverted customers, they will enable them to get things done efficiently without human contact.



Differences between chatbots

We can differentiate between chatbots based on several features. The first and most obvious is their application, for example, chatbot for marketing and sales, for logistics, recruitment, banking, HR, administration and many others. Another distinguishing feature is the channel of conversation - whether chatbots are pure text, voice (voicebots) or test-image chatbots. However, the final scope of chatbot functionality and complexity should depend on the client’s needs. If the user's path consists of closed choices and does not require flexibility in formulating needs, we can practically put together a conversation entirely from ready-made commands that the user chooses (they don’t have to type anything). For example, booking a table at a registration desk will usually only require selecting the date, time and number of seats at the table, but giving legal advice requires a system with a completely different level of complexity.

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How can chatbots benefit the management?

The evolution of chatbots can be compared to the development of search engines. A dozen years ago, you needed to be quite proficient in order to use them efficiently. Today, it’s one of the most basic user tools, constantly adapted to increase its simplicity and intuitiveness of use and, most importantly, usability. The same is true of chabtots. Not only are they getting lost in conversations less and less often anymore, and the scope of their use is widening, but being equipped with a proper dashboard allows non-technical users to administer, modify or, to some extent, even completely configure a chatbot. It also gives instant insight into data and allows for performing simple analyses. This allows the company to strengthen management in a data-driven model.


Easy-to-use dashboard for Sages chatbot

What kind of chatbot should you choose?

The best IT solution for a company is one tailored to its needs. If it operates in Poland, a chatbot in Polish is obvious, if it operates in several markets - it has to be adapted to communicate fluently in multiple languages. To be most useful to customers, employees and management, it has to be well designed using the latest technology, but at the same time be easy to use even for people who are not familiar with it. AI in business, e.g. AI in marketing or sales, not only doesn’t have to, but even shouldn’t be complicated to use. However, first and foremost it should be adapted to the user's needs - here a good cooperation between the client and the AI provider is important. Is it worth investing in a chatbot? This technology allows you to increase the reach of your operations, collect and analyze data more easily, raise the level of customer service and reduce costs. The speed of its development can be evidenced by the ChatGPT chatbot. It may soon be that chatbots, like other business IT solutions, will cease to be an innovation and will become a regular feature.

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The Controller of your personal data is Sages Sp. z o.o. having its registered seat in Warsaw, Poland. We process your personal data for the following purposes: to perform the agreement with the entity on behalf of which you act, to perform our legal obligations, to establish, pursue and/or defend claims. In case you provided your consent, we can also process your data for our marketing purposes (e.g. distribution of newsletter). You have the following rights with respect to your data: right of access (including the right to copy), right to rectification, right to erasure, right to restriction of processing, right to data portability, right to objection, right to lodge a complaint to the supervisory body. You can find the full information on personal data processing in our Privacy policy.