Omega-PSIR: CRIS / RPS / IR / RPS in one system
The system has been developed at Warsaw University of Technology. It allows for comprehensive management of information on science and research potential, as well as works towards building a professional image and recognition of the institution.

Implemented by over 45 institutions
Omega-PSIR has been already implemented, among others:
- Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan
- University of Gdansk
- Medical University of Lodz
- Bialystok University of Technology
- Institute of Low Temperatures and Structural Research
- Silesian University of Technology
- Military University of Technology
- Wroclaw University of Economics
- Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun
- Jagiellonian University Medical College
- Faculty of Political Science and International Studies, University of Warsaw
- University of Applied Sciences in Tarnow
- University of Wroclaw
- University of Lodz
- University of Silesia
- University of Natural Sciences and Humanities
- Koszalin University of Technology
- Mother and Child Institute
- University of Economics in Katowice
- Institute of Occupational Medicine, Lodz
- Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin
- Silesian Medical University in Katowice
- Polish Naval Academy
- Poznan University of Economics
- Wroclaw Medical University
- Medical University of Bialystok
- Medical University of Lublin
- Kazimierz Pulaski University of Technology and Humanities in Radom
- Warsaw Medical University

Partnerships and cooperation

Omega-PSIR is DataCite authorized service provider

Omega-PSIR is ORCID authorized service provider

The Polish Medical Platform was built on the basis of the system

Omega-PSIR is recognized and registered in euroCRIS
System you can trust
Number one in Poland among Current Research Information Systems - the highest number (47) of implementations in research institutions
5th worldwide among Current Research Information Systems (the highest number of implementations in research institutions)
Implementation in the customer's IT infrastructure
The license of the software is distributed together with the source code
The system is used by 8 out of 10 universities selected as part of the "Excellence Initiative - Research University"
From Academia for Academia
Functionalities and benefits
Omega-PSIR is not just a software. We build a community by organizing scientific events and facilitating inter-university cooperation. We maintain system ontologies and dictionary databases.
Academic achievements
Recording scientific activities in one system allows for gathering data on: publications, projects, patents, implementations, research equipment, laboratories, theses, PhD dissertations, awards, achievements, activities popularizing science, committee memberships and many others.
Scientific research management
Our system streamlines the management of information workflows related to recording publications, statements of scientific achievements, administration of research projects and employee evaluation.
Institution image and visibility
Our system assists in building the image of the academic institution locally and worldwide. It presents research results and potential, guarantees visibility in national and global databases and search engines (e.g. OpenAIRE, ORCiD, Google Scholar), showcases national and international cooperation and enables searching for experts and research teams.
Open science
The system enables indexing, sharing of publications and other scholarly output of the institution and its staff. It has a built-in full-text and research data repository. Moreover, it provides the ability to determine the license under which the articles and research data were created and the level of availability or its temporary suspension (grace period). Thanks to the synergy with the employee evaluation and appraisal module, it enables effective creation of transparent policies.
Research data repository
Omega-PSIR strengthens the cooperation potential of the institution with other universities by showing and sharing research data from the university domain. It is compatible with 5-star Open Data and FAIR Data, and integrates with DataCite. It supports DOI and naming and allows for linking the research data record with other records in the system e.g. publications, projects and researchers.
Researchers at glance
Based on a variety of collected research achievements Omega-PSIR automatically builds researchers profiles including all aspects of the researcher’s activities (including visibility in media and social media). Experts, teams, key research disciplines are easy to find.
Analytics and reporting
Omega-PSIR facilitates reviewing the state of research conducted by the institution by supporting management processes, as well as enables effective reporting. Thanks to gathering all data related to specific studies and their interrelation, it creates a picture of the whole research process from applications, projects, effects (such as publications or patents) and related metrics.
From Academia for Academia
The best technology
Doctoral dissertations
We are committed to build openness in science and share knowledge on the international level. Through the newsletter, we want to inform you about webinars and conferences, as well as share knowledge about, inter alia, managing information about science and research potential. We will also inform you about new functionalities and other changes to the Omega-PSIR, developed at Warsaw University of Technology - which connect CRIS/RPS/IR and research data repository in one system. We will not send you anything that we would consider spam ourselves.
Contact Sages

Rafał Rębilas