All news
On our blog you will find both substantive articles and news. There will also be case studies described in detail.
Dotnet Summit 2023 (online) - December 18, 2023
This autumn, on December 18, 2023, the Dotnet Summit 2023 (online) will take place, this time in the form of an online conference!
Get to know Julia language and fall in love with data analysis.
Discover the power of the Julia language! Created for scientific computing and data analysis, Julia provides efficiency and flexibility. Learn more!
Habits of a good Tester
What are the most important habits and skills for a tester that should be developed and nurtured? Become a better tester, but also a better employee.…
Generative Artificial Intelligence: A Step Towards a New Era of Technology
Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) has become one of the most fascinating achievements in the world of technology in recent years. What was once…
Recruitment in IT - Case Study
Case study: How to efficiently recruit and prepare Java programmers? Savings and employee loyalty. Learn more.
Sages as an accredited ISTQB FL v. 4.0 training provider
With great joy, we announce that Sages, a leading company in the field of IT training, became the first in Poland to receive accreditation as a provider…
Business Analyst in the World of AI: How Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Support Our Work
What role does Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Data Science (DS) play in the work of a business analyst? You will find out this and much more from our…
Reskilling in IT Departments
Upskilling and Reskilling in IT Departments – New Opportunities · Why Implement Upskilling in Your Company? · Check out our article and learn more
Data management using AI
Managing Big Data is becoming indispensable for businesses and organizations, as well-utilized data creates new opportunities, as well as a better understanding…
Writing API automated tests (Cypress and Postman)
API testing is software testing that focuses on checking the "application programming interface," or API. Check out the article.
Learn about Blazor. Harness the potential of .NET and C# to build web applications without JavaScript.
Meet Blazor. Blazor is a hot topic among the .NET community. Based on WebAssembly, it allows you to build web applications without JavaScript.
Investor Data Room - analyzing startup data in R Shiny
Data Room is a tool for sharing key company information that investors or potential business partners need. Read the article on Investor Data Room - analyzing…