The National Training Fund (KFS) is an initiative that becomes crucial support for many entrepreneurs and employees in Poland. The funding offered by this fund provides an invaluable opportunity for skill development, acquiring new qualifications, and modernizing competencies in various industries. In this article, we will delve into the topic of the National Training Fund, examining its essence, possibilities, and benefits for individuals seeking support in their professional development.
From the text, you will also learn: *The budget of the KFS for the year 2024
- The current priorities for funding
- Who is eligible to apply for financial support
- Steps to take to receive funding
- Where applications are currently being accepted
Budget of the KFS for 2024 and this year's spending priorities
In 2024, the budget of the National Training Fund amounts to a staggering PLN 294,383,000. These funds can be allocated for IT training.
Discover the spending priorities set by the Minister responsible for labor affairs in agreement with the Labor Market Council:
- Support for continuous education in connection with the application of new processes, technologies, and work tools in companies.
- Support for continuous education in identified occupations with deficits in a given county or province.
- Support for continuous education for individuals returning to the job market after a break related to childcare and individuals belonging to large families.
- Support for continuous education in the field of digital skills.
- Support for continuous education for individuals working in the automotive industry.
- Support for continuous education for individuals over 45 years of age.
- Support for continuous education directed at employers employing foreigners.
- Support for continuous education in the field of financial management and prevention of crisis situations in enterprises.
Why apply for funding from the KFS?
Any company, office, or foundation employing workers under an employment contract, as well as individuals conducting business activities and employing at least one person under an employment contract, have the opportunity to apply for funding from the National Training Fund. The type of employment contract of the employees benefiting from KFS-supported education and the form of employment, whether full-time or part-time, do not matter. The funding is provided in accordance with the de minimis aid principle, meaning it is non-refundable state support for businesses. Importantly, there are no age restrictions.
Employers can receive up to 80% funding for training and exams, meaning they only need to cover 20% of these costs. Micro-enterprises employing up to 10 people have the possibility of obtaining 100% funding.
How to obtain funding?
First, check with the local Labor Office whether the call for applications has been announced and how long it will last. Remember that financial support can only be granted before the start of the education process, so it is important to submit the application well in advance. The office has 30 days to process the application, but due to the limited funding, the correctness of the documentation and the order of submissions are crucial. Therefore, it is advisable to act quickly and not delay in submitting the application. To do this, the employer should contact the relevant labor office, depending on their place of residence or business activity.
Current call for applications for KFS in 2024
You can find information about the call for applications in individual counties on the website: KFS Funding at Sages.
If you want to learn more, visit the Ministry of Family and Social Policy website.