Omega-PSIR re-certified ORCID Service Provider

Zespół Sages
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29 lipca 2024

We are pleased to announce that Omega-PSIR software, developed by the Warsaw University of Technology in collaboration with Sages, is an ORCID Certified Service Provider again. This accreditation officially confirms that we are prepared to provide high-quality service to clients using the Omega-PSIR system.

New features in Omega-PSIR

Omega-PSIR software now meets all standards set by ORCID, including:

  • Projects: Added the ability to export and import projects.
  • Employment information: Added the ability to export of employment-related data.
  • Data Export: The approach to exporting data has been changed. The university will be able to decide what data will be sent to ORCID, such as whether it will be only publications or also projects and employment information. It is possible to additionally define specific types of publications to be exported to ORCID.
  • Authorization: Added information about authorization of ORCID ID from the author's profile.

ORCID - a unique identifier for academics

ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is an international non-profit organization that helps academics manage information about their publications and scientific achievements. ORCID assigns each employee a unique identifier that uniquely attributes his or her achievements, regardless of publication location, research field or name change. Having an ORCID iD is particularly advantageous because it allows an author to be easily identified, increases the visibility of one's work, and prevents errors in the attribution of publications. The ORCID registration process is free, and the ID is valid for life.

Researchers can update their profiles themselves or use accredited data providers such as Omega-PSIR, which ensures that the information entered is correct and consistent. With this system, researchers can manage their records more effectively and increase its accessibility in the global community.

Enhance scientific visibility

Integration of the ORCID API with Omega-PSIR is possible through a plug-in developed by Sages. Our renewal of ORCID certification is a step towards better visibility and effective management of scientific achievements. Thank you for your trust and we are proud of our contribution to Omega-PSIR!

If your institution is seeking to make information about employees' scientific achievements widely available and needs support in the evaluation process, and wants to submit publication data to the ORCID database, we encourage you to contact us.

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