How do Data Science Bootcamp graduates fare in the job market? [Codebreaker Report]

Norbert Ryciak
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5 października 2021

As many as 85% of bootcamp graduates who went to the course with the goal of getting a job as a Junior Data Scientist as soon as possible achieved their goal! One-third of this group received a job offer while the course was still in progress. More than 96% of the graduates would recommend others to attend a Kodolamacz bootcamp. These are the most interesting findings from the survey of graduates of the 19th edition of our course.

Data Science Bootcamp is a comprehensive course that prepares you for the position of Junior Data Scientist - one of the most coveted jobs of the 21st century. In 32 days of intensive classes, participants acquire the solid practical skills needed to get a job in this profession. The course program is structured to precisely meet the needs of the labor market - it does not include unnecessary theory or issues that will not be encountered in practice. The flagship feature of the bootcamp is the workshop character of the classes, focused on typical tasks performed in everyday work in data science. All classes are taught by experts who are fully committed to sharing their knowledge and experience.

In order to participate in the course, it is necessary to successfully pass the recruitment. The key requirement for candidates is basic programming knowledge, so that a high level of classes is maintained, tailored to the skills of participants.

What does the career path of Data Science Bootcamp graduates look like?

In a survey of almost exactly one-third of the bootcamp graduates, we asked, among other things, what was their purpose for attending the course, how did their careers turn out, and how long after completing the course did they manage to find a job in the industry.

Most people had gained a little programming experience before taking the course (72%), for example in college classes or through self-development. We also asked graduates about their experience in the data science industry. From the responses, we learn that almost half of the respondents wanted to learn the basics to see if it was interesting, after which they decided that they wanted to enter the world of data science. In contrast, one-fifth had unsuccessfully tried to gain solid competence in the field on their own, which contributed to their participation in the bootcamp.

About three-quarters of our course participants attended the bootcamp with the goal of getting a job in data science as soon as possible (48%) or intend to start working in the industry some time from now (24%). The remaining participants wanted to expand their knowledge (but do not intend to change jobs) or learn about the field and see what's next.

Age, education and experience vs. success in the data science industry

The easiest way to find a job in the industry is for young people under the age of 30.


Among bootcamp participants, a math-related education predominates. However, people with a background other than numerical, technical and computer science do just as well in the job market after completing the course as those with such a background.


We also learned that there is a correlation between mathematical ability and finding a job in the data science industry. People who did exceptionally well in math in school are slightly more likely to succeed.

Effectiveness of bootcamp measured in success of graduates

We examined the success of the graduates in two aspects - finding a job (among the group that wanted a job as soon as possible) and time to first job offer (due to the fact that not every offer is accepted).


According to the survey, the effectiveness of finding a job is as high as 85%! This is, in our opinion, a sensational result. If we expand the group of respondents also to include those who wanted to find a job in the longer term (we don't know how distant a time the respondents had in mind), and even when we consider all bootcamp graduates (regardless of their intention to work in the industry), the results look equally impressive:


Nearly three-quarters (73%) of the bootcamp recipients got their first job offer within 3 months of completing bootcamp. What's more, more than 34% got a job while the course was still in progress! This is a surprisingly positive result, which may indicate that the bootcamp program and the quality of the classes ensure that the trainees gain solid competencies on an ongoing basis during the course.


The staff, the practicality of the course and the program - these are the strengths of the bootcamp most often indicated by those surveyed.

From the beginning of the bootcamp, we made sure to have the best staff, because data science is such a complex and difficult field that without great instructors, learning could not be effective. It should be further noted that graduates pointed out both the great teaching skills of the presenters and the fact that they are practitioners and experts in the field.

The second aspect is practicality, which is the essence of this course. Bootcamp, by definition, is supposed to equip participants with practical competencies (something that is often a problem in college). So we have confirmation that the bootcamp fulfills its function. The feedback is valuable in that most of it is from people who already have (sometimes not inconsiderable) experience in the industry. Also noteworthy is the fact that there are times when bootcamp graduates were given very similar problems to those covered in class as part of their recruitment tasks.

The last of the three main strengths of the course, according to graduates, is its program - a confirmation that indeed bootcamp participants here are acquiring the skills needed to get a job in the data science industry.

Of the other advantages mentioned less frequently, graduates pointed out that a valuable element of the course is the completion of a major final project, which is an important part of learning and the basis for a future portfolio. A not insignificant advantage of such a course over self-study, which requires a lot of self-discipline. In the case of the course, the motivator for diligent and regular work is the money invested. Another positive feature of bootcamp is the fact that it is learning among people who came to the course for the same purpose, which fosters a positive atmosphere and mobilizes learning (no one comes to bootcamp "because they have to", like many college classes).

As many as 96.2% of graduates would recommend participation in Data Science Bootcamp to others!

Actually, this indicator could be considered the most important evaluation of the course, as these are the responses of people who look at the bootcamp from the perspective of time and work experience after the course.

Learn about the full report "Effectiveness of the Data Science bootcamp based on the fate and opinions of the graduates."

Learn about the methodology of the study, see detailed statistics and read the opinions of those who took the course. The full report "Fate of Data Science Bootcamp Graduates" is available below:

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