Funding for training from KFS - a chance for professional development in 2025

Zespół Sages
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10 stycznia 2025

The National Training Fund (KFS) is an initiative that plays a key role in supporting entrepreneurs and employees in Poland. Funding from the KFS is an excellent opportunity to develop skills, acquire new qualifications and upgrade competencies in various industries. In this article, we take a look at the details of the National Training Fund, how it works, its opportunities and the benefits it offers for those seeking professional development.

Also learn from the text:

  • What is the KFS budget for 2025
  • What are this year's funding priorities
  • Who can apply for financial support
  • What steps must be taken to receive funding
  • Where to apply

KFS budget for 2025 and this year's spending priorities

In 2025, the KFS budget is PLN 419,591 thousand. These funds can also be used for IT training.

Below you will find this year's funding priorities, set by the Minister of Labor in consultation with the Labor Market Council:

  1. Support for the development of skills and qualifications in occupations identified as deficient in a given area, i.e. in a district or province.
  2. Support for the development of skills and qualifications in connection with the application of new processes, technologies and work tools in companies.
  3. Support for continuing education of employers and their employees in accordance with the training needs that emerged in the areas affected by the September 2024 flood.
  4. Improvement of management and communication in the company based on the principles of anti-discrimination and anti-bullying, development of social dialogue, employee participation and support for integration in the workplace.
  5. Promoting and supporting mental health and creating friendly work environments through, among other things, training in age management, stress management, positive psychology, mental well-being and building a healthy and diverse organizational culture.
  6. Supporting foreigners, especially in gaining knowledge of Polish labor law and integrating these people into the labor market.
  7. Supporting the development of skills and qualifications needed in the health and care services sector.
  8. Developing digital skills.
  9. Supporting the development of skills related to energy transition.


Why apply for KFS funding?

Any company, office or foundation that employs employees under an employment contract, as well as individuals who are self-employed and employ at least one employee under an employment contract, can apply for KFS funding. The type of labor contract and form of employment are irrelevant. The subsidy is provided in accordance with the principle of de minimis aid, which means that it is non-refundable state support. Importantly, there are no age restrictions.

The employer can receive up to 80% of the subsidy for training and examination costs, which means that it covers only 20% of these costs. Micro-enterprises employing up to 10 people can receive 100% funding.

How to get a subsidy?

First check with your local Labor Office to see if a call for applications has been announced and how long it will last. Remember that financial support can only be granted before the training process begins, so it is important to apply well in advance. The office has 30 days to process the application, but due to the limited pool of funds, not only the correctness of the documentation is decisive, but also the order of applications. Therefore, it is advisable to act quickly and not delay in submitting the application. To do so, the employer should contact the relevant labor office depending on the location of his headquarters or business.

Current call for KFS applications in 2025

You can find information about the call for applications in each county on the website: KFS funding in Sages

Want to learn more? Take a look at the website of the Ministry of Family and Social Policy.

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