World's first medical platform is being built in Poland

Jolanta Stępniak
CRIS Solutions Specialist
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24 lutego 2020

On January 7, 2020, a consortium of Sages Sp. z. o. o. and Warsaw University of Technology signed an agreement with the Piastów Śląski Medical University in Wrocław, the project leader, for the creation of an open information platform called the Polish Medical Platform (PPM).

The project is being implemented with funds raised under the Digital Poland Operational Program (POPC.02.03.01-00-0008/17-00). Its goal is to implement software to support knowledge management and broad research potential, as well as to provide access to data in the fields of medicine, pharmacy, dentistry, public health, occupational health and safety, ergonomics and health care.

The platform will bring together in one place, previously dispersed, information on: medical scientific publications, ongoing research, patents obtained, research equipment owned, and profiles of scientists of institutions implementing the project, and in the future of all institutions interested in cooperation. A key function of the portal will be open access to publications and research data, which fosters broad access to knowledge, contributes to better promotion of achievements and acquisition of partners for further cooperation, as well as to faster commercialization of research results.

The project is implemented by eight institutions, including seven universities and one institute:

  • Medical University of Piastów Śląskich in Wrocław - the project leader,
  • Medical University of Bialystok,
  • Medical University of Gdansk,
  • Silesian Medical University in Katowice,
  • Medical University of Lublin,
  • Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin,
  • Warsaw Medical University
  • Prof. Jerzy Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine in Lodz.

The signed agreement provides for the implementation of OMEGA-PSIR software developed at the Institute of Computer Science of the Warsaw University of Technology. To date, the software has been used in 20 universities and scientific institutions in the country. The uniqueness of the current project is the simultaneous launch of the software in 8 independent locations and the creation of a common platform for them, with which other scientific institutions with a similar research profile can integrate. This type of installation is the only such project in the world.


OMEGA-PSIR software is a full-featured software that combines the functions of systems such as CRIS (Current Research Information System - functioning for knowledge management), RPS (Research Profiling System - offering specialty profiling of scientific employees and scientific institutions) and IR (Institutional Repositories - - archiving broadly understood scientific achievements of individuals and institutions).

Sages Sp. z o.o. and the Institute of Informatics of the Warsaw University of Technology have entered into an agreement for joint participation in the project, as in the implementation of several previous projects involving the implementation of OMEGA-PSIR.

Photo author: Tomasz Walów

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