PolEval 2021 competition for IT tools for Polish language processing - take part!

Zespół Sages
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22 lipca 2021

We invite you to participate in the 5th edition of the competition for computer tools for Polish language processing - PolEval 2021. Its goal is to improve the quality of existing solutions, test new algorithms and promote linguistic engineering. The submitted tools compete against each other within the framework of tasks defined by the organizers, using available data, and are evaluated according to established procedures.

Take part in the PolEval 2021 competition

If you are interested in the topics of the PolEval 2021 competition, you can still participate! We also encourage you to promote the contest to colleagues, students, PhD students and supporters of linguistic engineering. The website, which includes, among other things, a description of the competition tasks, has been prepared in English to facilitate access to the competition also for participants from abroad.

If you would like to learn more about the contest, please contact the organizers. Contact the organizers of the PolEval 2021 competition.

The best-scoring solutions presented at AI & NLP Day 2021 and will be published in Electronics magazine.

Tasks in the 5th edition of the PolEval competition

In 2021, the following areas are of interest to us:

  1. Automatic correction of text from ASR-type systems in terms of punctuation (Punctuation restoration from read text).
  2. Evaluation of translation quality assessment metrics (Evaluation of translation quality assessment metrics)
  3. Correction of OCR results (Post-correction of OCR results).
  4. Answering questions (Question answering challenge)

The description of each task is available here: PolEval 2021 - tasks

PolEval 2021 schedule

  • now: task descriptions, evaluation method, training data, development data and test set A have been made available - we are still accepting applications!
  • August 23 - 30, 2021: release of the final Test Set B and determination of the ranking list of systems
  • September 23, 2021: presentation of the submitted solutions at the AI & NLP Day 2021 event in Warsaw, publication of articles describing the submitted solutions in a book publication
  • until the end of September 2021: acceptance of extended descriptions of the winning systems to the journal Electronics (ISSN 2079-9292; CODEN: ELECGJ, IF 2.412, Ministry score: 100 p.).

Detailed information about the competition can be found on the competition website: PolEval 2021

We also encourage you to read the task topics and results from last year's competitions: http://2020.poleval.pl/, http://2019.poleval.pl/, http://2018.poleval.pl/ and http://2017.poleval.pl/.

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