On our blog you will find both substantive articles and news. There will also be case studies described in detail. See the Articles category.

DS/ML (analytical) maturity in an organization - what is it and what does it look like?
We should treat data in an organization as our asset. It is sometimes said that nowadays data for companies, is the modern equivalent of oil, that is,…

How do you prepare to enter the cloud?
The topic of migration to the cloud is one of the most popular topics not only at many presentations or conferences, but is also one of the most popular…

June in the clouds
In June we would like to introduce our offerings from the area of cloud technologies. We invite you to take a look at our proposals for this month.

Test-Driven Development - why are you doing it wrong?
Test-Driven Development is one of those practices that, despite having been in the minds of developers for a very long time, is not widely used. I know…

April with the Python language
Each month we would like to introduce one of the training categories available with us. In April, our attention is directed to offerings from Python.…

NullPointerException - how to avoid the most popular exception in Java?
If you program in Java, you're bound to be familiar with the exception given in the title. Although fixing it is usually easy, the key to success is to…

The equals method in Java. How to implement it correctly?
In Java, all classes inherit from the class "java.lang.Object". Among the inherited methods is the "equals" method. Correct implementation of this method…

Funding for KFS training in 2021
The National Training Fund (KFS) is a form of financial support through which it is possible to subsidize training for employees and employers. In order…

How to recruit programmers during a crisis?
The beginning of 2021 is the moment for many of us to think about planning New Year's resolutions. At the top of the list of plans we generally make at…

Problem n + 1 in Hibernate
Hibernate is a very popular ORM (object-relational mapping) framework dedicated to programs written in Java or other languages running in the Java virtual…

How to counteract professional burnout?
Andrew was slowly awakening from sleep. Levels of the stress hormone cortisol were rising in his blood. A jumble of thoughts of unsettled issues that…

What are corutines in the Basin?
With version 1.3, coroutines were introduced into Kotlin. The concept of coroutines itself is by no means new in the world of programming and is already…