If we take a very broad understanding of the term User Experience, as *the user experience encompassing all aspects of interaction with a company, its…
What can be the consequences of errors in contracts? One of them is the loss of funds, as some users of the Parity wallet had a painful experience in…
We have already learned about some of the capabilities of Ethereum's *blockchain* smart contracts. In this post, I will describe in more detail one of…
Each of us does our job to the best of our ability, regardless of which point in the software development process it involves. We try to make sure that…
So far, we have stored the transaction log and balances of its users in Ethereum's private blockchain (*blockchain*) running. In the following, I will…
All projects, or more generally --- proposals for change --- should be consistent with the business model. A project whose results are not consistent…
> "Couldn't you inform me which way I should go? > That depends largely on where you would like to go --- replied the Cat-Beast. > Actually, it's all…
Over the past months I have discussed various cryptographic techniques. Now it's time to show their interesting applications in practice. I already revealed…
One of the authentication mechanisms I described earlier are message authentication codes called MACs for short. It is now time to present another type…
> "Find the right balance of competing claims of different stakeholder groups. All claims deserve attention, but some are more important than others." > >…
"Quality is a certain degree of excellence." With these words --- taken from Plato --- I would like to start a new series of publications introducing…
*Symmetric block ciphers* encrypt messages of a specific length that is specific to the chosen algorithm (e.g. 16 bytes for the AES algorithm, 8 bytes…