9 reasons to invest in employee development

Karolina Zadroga
Product Marketing Manager
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2 lipca 2020

An employee is a business card of a company. What matters more than his appearance are his competencies. These he has the chance to acquire during various courses or training. According to the "Global Human Capital Trends 2019" report prepared by Deloitte, 84% of respondents attribute significant or high importance to transforming the employee experience to improve business performance. In order for our company to truly increase productivity, it makes sense to invest in employee development. What other benefits do you see from further training your workforce?

1 Expanded knowledge and new skills

By investing in employee development, we make the employee expand his knowledge and acquire new competencies. By using them during daily work, he contributes to the company's development and high performance. However, not every employer realizes that further training of employees is first and foremost an investment in the company, and not just an emoloyer branding activity.

2. employee appreciation

By offering an employee to participate in training, we make him feel distinguished and valued. He is more eager to come to work and motivates the others to perform. The investment in the employee keeps him engaged.

3. greater efficiency = profit

A trained employee works more effectively, shares his newly acquired knowledge with others and feels that he has a real impact on change. He wants to show this, so he gets involved in new projects and comes up with initiatives. These often translate into profit.

4 Team integration

Training is not just about learning. It's also about having fun and integrating the team. It's a time to get to know each other better, take the masks off our faces and share experiences. Very often, it is only after facing new challenges together that employees find a common language and are able to develop ways of cooperation that suit most - at the interpersonal and project levels. Agreement within the company is the first step in developing employees and increasing the effectiveness of teams.

5 Satisfy the need for employee development

It has been known for a long time that employees want to develop constantly and look for places where this will be possible. If we don't invest in an employee, we will lose them. Retaining an employee requires keeping track of his needs and meeting them. Therefore, it is worth offering him various forms of development (e.g. training, foreign language lessons, participation in industry conferences).In addition, if we send an employee to training, he will feel a bond with the employer. Even if he was about to get fired, he will rethink his decision. However, it is worth remembering that he will be counting on further investment in his development.

6. positive image of the company on the market

A company that invests in employee development invests in its image. It will be perceived as one that puts the employee first - one that understands how important a means to achieve business goals is to provide adequate working conditions for its employees. Such an approach will increase interest in the company from both contractors and potential future employees.

7 Helping to fill managerial positions

By investing in the development of an employee, the employer will quickly see who actually uses the newly acquired knowledge and motivates the other employees. This will help in selecting natural leaders and filling managerial positions.

8 Analyze the future of the company

The slogan "Here and now" does not always apply to companies. They usually have long-term plans that need to be supported by an analysis of the future. Any internal or external training forces the employer to review the company's performance, analyze the competition or set new priorities. So it is worth investing in employee development with the intention of achieving high results in the future.

9 Recruiting through education

Are you planning projects in technologies that your employees are not familiar with? If you're wondering whether it's necessary to recruit new teams, think first whether a more cost-effective alternative to tedious recruitment processes would be to retrain proven employees who already know your business well, but have no experience in the technologies in which you'd like to implement projects. A long-time trusted employee is more likely to adapt to the current needs of the business and learn new technologies. In addition, with this you will reduce employee turnover in your company which is not insignificant these days.

Training is not just a lecture in a conference room. Today, courses can also be delivered online. This form is increasingly popular because of the time savings. Training in resort locations that meet the technical requirements of training are also positively received. Remember, training means new acquaintances and thus opportunities for employee development. It's keeping the attention of a specialist that helps the company succeed. Check out our training offerings, which we provide in both open and dedicated formats.

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